Saikiran Bomma Shares the Best Everyday Organizational Tools

Saikiran Bomma
4 min readJan 19, 2022

Staying organized can be a huge challenge for today’s busy families. There are many competing demands on people’s time, from school activities to work meetings. It can be tricky to balance time management with organizational skills to stay on top of their daily duties.

Saikiran Bomma

Saikiran Bomma from Connecticut shares some of her top organizational tools to keep your home running smoothly and with as little electronic, mental, or physical clutter as possible.

Apps and Websites

Electronic organization can help to de-clutter the mind as well as helping to keep up on current happenings in your life. These useful apps and websites will go a long way toward reining in your digital chaos.


LastPass is a password management service that can help you take control of the jumble of passwords that many people keep in unsecured files on their computers. With LastPass, you can log in on any computer and access your passwords. However, it would help if you were careful to avoid losing your master password since there is no other way to access your account.

With LastPass, you will be able to reduce the time it takes to think of the long and complex passwords required for secure access to your favorite websites. It will save you valuable time.


Todoist is today’s best list-making app. It helps you organize all of your to-do lists in one place, integrating them with your personal project management information. It is best to approach personal to-do lists as if they pertain to your business activities, and Todoist helps people remain organized in their daily lives.


Evernote is an excellent alternative to native notes apps included on most smartphones today. Evernote helps you manage multiple projects and note-taking enterprises. It is also possible to use it for writing applications, with some authors using it to write books thanks to its innate organizational capabilities.

Organizational Tools for the Home

Moving on from the electronic organization, the home needs equal attention. Having a disorganized home can cause extra stress and unnecessary wasted time. Here are several excellent organizational tools to help you pull your home into shape.

Bins for the Pantry

Pantry shelves are often jumbled with food of various types. It can be hard to find things when it is time to make a recipe, especially when you hurry. Having bins on your shelves makes finding your food a snap. Pantry bins can also help to ensure that you use the oldest products first, rather than stacking new products in the front.

Kitchen Drawer Dividers

Our kitchen drawers are full of a jumble of utensils and catch-alls for many of us. Having drawer organizers can save time when it comes to searching for the exact utensil you need and cut down on the problem of overstuffed drawers that won’t close properly.

You will also take better care of your valuable kitchen tools, preventing them from loss or breakage. Everyone who has a kitchen would benefit from this tool.

Lid Racks

Everyone has had the experience of struggling with their pots and pans cabinet and searching for lids to a particular pot or skillet. In kitchen supply stores and online, you can find adjustable pot lid racks that will help you organize your lids. You can also use these racks for any kitchen equipment that you want to store upright, like cutting boards and cookie sheets.

Hooks and File Holders for the Entryway

You should have a robust set of hooks in your entryway for coats, bags, purses, and other articles of clothing. This will encourage everyone in your family to hang their things rather than messily tossing them onto a bench or on the floor. Of course, children in particular need training to use organizational tools since their instinct is to drop something as soon as it’s not needed. Older teens and adults may also need a revamp of their habits.

File holders can be hung on the wall to catch mail, and hooks can be hung for keys and work badges as well.

Clear Plastic Bins

When you are putting out-of-season items away, it is best to use clear bins, so you immediately know which container you are looking for. This will save time and make your storage areas easier to access. Using bins will also keep mold, moisture, and pests from your valuable clothing and accessories.

The Importance of Organization at Home

Some people may believe the tired adage that a messy home fosters creativity, but the truth is that it creates unnecessary chaos, stress, and anxiety. Using these tools can help people control their time and save it for more important pursuits like spending time with family and friends. Saikiran Bomma uses these tools in her daily life to help pull all of the pieces of her life into focus.

One of the most important things to remember is building positive habits around organization. When you buy organizational tools listed in this article, you will not be successful unless you make a concerted effort to change how you operate.

Saikiran Bomma wants readers to understand that getting organized is one of the most crucial pursuits they can undertake in the home. Looking into various apps, websites, and organizational items can help you create your ideal home oasis.



Saikiran Bomma

Saikiran Bomma is an anthropology major and recent graduate from Penn State University.